Monday, September 24, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

...the araucanas are now laying eggs, and they are a teal color (a slight combination of green and blue).

...worked in the wood barn, split wood and put up kindling. The chainsaw is still not running. Hubby worked on it a bit, but it still won't start.

...worked in the chicken barn, purchased supplies to start building new goat pens.  We hope to start that next weekend. 10 year-old has been making jewelry and made me a pair of earrings.  She wants to practice all winter.

...learned of a natural remedy for headaches - mix 1 Tbsp. raw honey with 1/2 tsp. organic cinnamon, add boiling water and cool enough to sip.

..deep cleaning in the house continues - finished the utility room, my bedroom closet, and my nightstand drawer.  Cleaning the carpets starts this week.  I can't wait to get rid of the remaining carpet and put in wood or laminate floors. I have another load of items to donate to charity.  The cupboards are still getting painted with primer.

...the fall peas are up, but no green beans yet.  The peas are much taller than our spring peas.


  1. Your daughters earings are beautiful. I've never seen blue green eggs here in france, they look so delicate!
    Have noted your headache remedy for future use, just off now to boil up some honey and thyme for sore throats, as we are all coming down with them!

  2. My lone Araucana hen is about 7 or 8 now but she still gives me eggs every spring.
    The earrings your daughter made are very nice!! :)


  3. I see you are as busy as usual, makes me look pretty lazy.
    I see you are cleaning out and giving away, there really must be something in the air. I know I'm still in that mode.
    Nancy Jo


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