Monday, August 13, 2012

Keeping Up?

If you are wondering if I've been keeping up with my own family as well as items to sell, I have on some things, but not so much on jelly and jam.  We go through many jars during the winter, due to kids packing school lunches.   

I canned 2 batches (6 pints and 4 1/2) pints of blueberry jelly, but that's not enough for my family for the winter.  These jars will be gone all too soon.  I am told now, that they prefer blueberry over grape. This year I was lucky to get 20 lbs. of blueberries this late.  They are out mid-July around here, and next year I will have to be more prepared.  We really need double that amount. 

I blanched and froze 3 quart bags of tomatoes, with the help of my 15 year-old. 

Canned 20 - 1/2 pint jars of Peach Jam.

Canned 4 more pints of Sweet Pickle Relish.

Canned 6 pints of our first canned salsa. The last two years I have made "fridge" salsa. This recipe was the Jalapeno Salsa recipe from Ball's recipe book.  Instead of 3 cups jalapeno peppers, I mixed 1/2 cup jalapeno with 2 1/2 cups green bell peppers (2 varieties).  Uh, I'm gonna need to plant more onions next year, and larger ones.  I still need to can sauce and I'm running low already.

Dehydrated more garden potatoes.  These were sliced this time. It was suggested to put a coffee filter between the jar and the lid for storing them in jars.


Canned another 12 pints of blueberry jelly.

I need to go out before it rains, and cut more oregano to dry.  I am using it in my canned salsa and seasoned tomato sauce.

I know you are all probably tired from reading our updates, but I know it will pay off over winter.  I'll try to relax some today, and post a less tiring blog post. My son said to me yesterday, "Are you ever going to catch a break Mom?"


  1. Today is the first no rain day in almost a week. I'm not complaining but now the grass needs cutting and the produce from the garden needs tending too. It doesn't stop, rain or shine.

  2. You guys will certainly appreciate all that bounty this winter! :)
    I did make some strawberry freezer jam and apple pie filling for the freezer yesterday, along with a batch of chevre. Today, in between baking for the Farmers' Market, I blanched and froze 5 quart bags of green beans that the neighbors gave us.

  3. Busy, busy, but atleast your kids appreciate you :)

  4. Kristina,
    Thanks for popping in on my site and for sharing the Cauliflower Pizza Crust. I have enjoyed checking out your site. We are on the gluten free and dairy free diet out here in the wilderness so I will be giving the cauliflower pizza crust a whirl here with some homemade dairy free cheese as see how it goes. It sounds wonderful. We have a lot in common... I imagine you are like myself, that once your feet hit the floor - you hit the ground running... :) I look forward to following you. Blessings....

  5. Kristina,
    Thanks for visiting my website and for sharing your Cauliflower Pizza Crust. I have enjoyed visiting your site and I look forward to following you. I will be trying the pizza crust here soon - we are gluten-free and dairy-free so I will be trying the crust with homemade dairy-free cheese. We sound a lot alike and have a lot in common. I imagine when your feet hit the floor in the morning you are off and running too.... Have a wonderful day... Blessings....


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