Friday, July 27, 2012

My Possibilities Book ~ A Place of My Own

As I sat in my kitchen and looked out the window, I realized that the big barn will gone in the near future.  I'll no longer see it out my window when I am cooking, baking, washing dishes, canning and such.

I'm contemplating where I want to build a place of my own.  No kids allowed.  Kind of like a man has a "man cave."

Possibilities are a room in the new barn, screening in or building around the patio off my bedroom, and a wall tent.  There is the possibility of a trailer or camper or cabin too.

Very possibly, I could put in a cooking area as well.

I think I'll start a page in my "possibilities" book and start putting positive ideas into it.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the view from the kitchen window, and possibly set my easy-up tent back up.   Shhh!  Don't tell the kids.


  1. I love the idea of having 'a place to call your own'. Funny, though, when I mention that to my kids (all grown) and my husband (retired 2 1/2 yrs now) ...I get funny looks. Like a calf looking at a new gate. Do you get that?
    The thing is--I NEED alone time. Because I don't get alone faith has weakened, my dreams are fading, and I'm numb to who I am. But it could be my age...and well, hormones. ;O

    The last picture of your wall tent lit up at night...looks peaceful. Like I'd like to be there hidden in there somewhere!

    BTW...I used to keep journals, now I blog. But you still keep a journal AND BLOG...and you have many, are they hard to keep up with? Will you be leaving them to your daughters?
    I'm feeling inspired lately in so many areas. When I come here...I feel inspired to journal!

    , have a great day today! Pat

  2. I journal and blog as well. My journal has pictures of things I like, ideas and stories. I cut out things from magazines, newspapers and pictures off the internet. It keeps me calm and future goals ever present in my mind. I agree with a place of your own. With so many kids and grandkids around here all the time, I need that place. Mine is a hill by the woods on the farm where I sketch to relieve pressure, but little good in the rain or deep snow!

  3. Kris,
    Yes time alone is very calming. You have a camper don't you? Well I would fix that all up and use that for my play house.
    The barm will be missed I'm sure. love an old barn.
    Nancy Jo

  4. Nancy Jo,
    we borrow a pop-up camper from family, however it broke. The last person to borrow it was cranking it up and the cable snapped. I hope it's fixed soon. I'm fixin' for a getaway.

  5. Kristina I am sorry but O 67 was not one of the numbers posted. If I made a mistake let me know And I will send you a prize. I am also having another give away in the fall. I hope you join in for that one. Thank you for playing. I enjoyed your comments on the game.


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