Friday, July 6, 2012

Hot Days

It's another 100°F day here today.  No rain either.  We got a five second spritz yesterday, and we are hurting for rain, and a cooling off period.  Watering the garden(s) takes most of my morning.

The heat is making outdoor work difficult.  I really need to weed all the gardens, but watering by hand isn't enough to soften the soil.  Yet, despite lack of rain, the garden is producing many tomatoes now.

It makes you wonder how difficult it was for the pioneers to grow gardens. 


  1. You have to think too the pioneers had a lot more wooded area, meaning bugs to deal with. Not just the heat. I am always amazed when I read about what they did.

  2. You have to think too the pioneers had a lot more wooded area, meaning bugs to deal with. Not just the heat. I am always amazed when I read about what they did.

  3. Watering the garden here has become quite the job here.
    Thankfully, I think we're going to be getting some relief in the garden...maybe a rest period. We've got tomatoes and okra still coming and then we'll be done til fall.

    I use all my dishwater in my gardens...
    but like you said... someone has to carry it out there.


  4. I think they probably had less lush gardens, and maybe less variety. They'd probably grow reliable producers... but back breaking still....

  5. It does make you wonder how they did it...


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