Monday, July 23, 2012

from the Homesteading Journal . . .

Blanched and froze 40 cups of sweet corn.

Staked 20 more tomato plants.

Froze 7 cups of shredded zucchini.

Canned 4 more pints of Sweat Pickle Relish.

Dug up 2 rows of red potatoes.

Number of eggs we got in June: 121

Baked up some beet chips for the first time every.  Delicious!  A bit of olive oil and sea salt.  These were amazing.  Now I have to buy a mandolin.  Otherwise, these won't bake evenly and some will burn. I used Martha Stewart's recipe for reference on temperature etc.

Spent days and days weeding out all the flower, herb, and vegetable/fruit gardens.  Weeds, weeds, and more weeds.

Purchased 12 wooden fence posts for the new goat pen.

The 4-1/2 pints of apricot-jalapeno jelly that I made are half gone already.  Hubby loves it so much I am down to 2 jars.  I hope I get more peppers after the next rain. I need to can more to sell.

Planted 4 more loofah seeds.  I'm taking a chance and trying to grow some sponges here in my state.  These seeds came from my Aunt.  If I can get them to grow here, we'll be selling them at the Farmer's Market, as well as for personal use.  The weather is just finicky this summer.


  1. I found a kindred spirit! Love all you have accomplished this week!


    The Way Grandmama Does It

  2. It looks so green there :) Love the mushroom!

  3. You have been a busy bee. I didnt know that loofahs grew in the soil, I would love to try to grow some, keep an update on how they do.Happy day.x

  4. Wow you have been busy. I have been fighting deer all week. They eat all my zucchini and the tops off my strawberry's. Just wanted to let you know the daily numbers are out.

  5. Good luck on the loofahs, I keep meaning to try them...
    You have been a VERY busy girl! :)
    I'm going to attempt to can 22 pounds of carrots tomorrow, they came from the neighbors' garden.

  6. I'd love to see your recipe for the jalapeno apricot jelly! Love your blog-very inspiring.


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