Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mom I'm Bored!

There's a cure for bored kids in my house. He he he!  It's called cleaning and organizing.

 (Top cupboards, no hardware)

(Bottom, with hardware)

It's actually working for my 15 year-old daughter.  She's taking kitchen cupboards apart one by one and priming them for a new coat of paint.  These mix and match cupboards have really darkened the kitchen, with the bottom dark brown and the top an off-white.  The top cupboards will need hardware, because we are painting everything antique or country white.  

The cubbies you see in the top cupboards had tiny baskets that I could not use.  I took the baskets out and placed tea cups in them.  I have them in the lower cupboards (have no idea what they would have used them for) and may try to saw out the shelves to store my cookie sheets etc. in.  I guess we'll see.  These are the before photos.

While I took the time to "rest" I decided to pick up a few things in my room, where the leaning tower of Pisa really resides.

Literally.  The pile up of crafting projects, yarn, supplies, patterns, my reading books and journals, are about to topple over.   Peace comes with an organized room, so I opened the bedroom closet door.  

I was able to dig out a large cut piece of fleece, that had a beautiful rose pattern on it.  It's moved with me 2 times.  Sad I know.  So, I cut the sides, and gave it to my 10 year-old to tie knots and make herself a fleece blanket.  

I dug out the bag of knitting needles that I snatched up at a thrift store a while back.  I cleaned them all up, and split them up between me and two of the girls.  I even found a double ended crochet hook in it, which is just what I've been looking for.

Cha-ching - two things put away and out of my room.

Then I took some scraps, odds and ends and put them in the kids "rainy day" box.

Cha-ching - more out of my room.

.....and the cleaning will continue throughout the summer.  Happy days await. 

Tonight, there will 3 screaming 12/13 year-old's staying the night, to celebrate my 12 year-old daughter turning 13 today.


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter!
    It's so nice to hear about others struggles to get and stay organized. I had so much planned yesterday but a visitor and one long phone call from a long lost relative didn't get me far and today I have cooking and baking to do. But I've been going through paperwork which is so boring and progress isn't as evident but it has to be done! Like you, one step at a time and those little steps add up in the end. I'd love to paint my cupboards but selling the house (hopefully) so I don't want to get into that right now. I have several "leaning towers" myself! LOL! Hang in there! Nice to know I'm not alone!

  2. Ah yes! the old I'm bored, ploy.

    My kiddos learned really quickly NOT to say that, or else, they'd be put to work as well. You sound like me, there is quite a bit of little projects that allow for plenty 'boring' days ...get things done.

  3. My comment to this, and my kids have heard it a billion times, "If mamma ain't borded, no one can be bored" In other words, if I have a ton of work to do, help out!

  4. We deep cleaned our garage today for- recycling, donations, free by the curb, and toxic dump (free in our city). A LOT more space!!!

  5. Hey, come over to my site and enter my 1 year blogversary giveaway! :)


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