Thursday, June 7, 2012

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

 (Our first backyard "retreat" just before Glamping Weekend.  This is just the beginning.)

Had to cancel our glamping weekend (away from home) due to a situation beyond my control.   I promised myself that a glamped up tent would be put up somewhere on our 6 acres. We haven't done it yet.  Maybe today.

Started building the chicken tractor.

Planted 9 sweet potatoes (first time for us and a bit late), 6 straight neck yellow squash plants, the last of the tomatoes (totaling 121 tomato plants now), 6 zucchini plants (our planted seeds did not all come up), and one last sweet banana pepper plant for the billy goat (his favorite).

One daughter went to put the red hens away, and found the rat in the coop.  She said it's "huge" and scurried up the chicken wire and up through a hole in the ceiling (which we blocked with a block).  My son went out to re-set traps and saw it to.  I think he almost got it with a shovel.  It's eating our chicken eggs, so we need to get rid of him soon.  Just a few days later, before sundown, we saw it again.  This time, hubby was home and grabbed the pellet gun.  He got the rat right in the head, but it kept going.  My son grabbed a branch and used that, breaking the branch into 4 pieces, but got the job done.  We set more traps.  We should see more eggs now.

Spent several days weeding the old strawberry patch, asparagus, beets, carrots, swiss chard, green beans and some lettuce.  Thankfully, my son once again helped me.

Used the hand hoe to work up the pumpkin and watermelon patch.  This year there was no room for more melons.

(photo taken by my 15 year-old daughter)

Brindle's (black and white doeling) new owner arrives today to take her home.

Started taking inventory on supplies to tear down the emergency chicken coop.  The walls and door are being saved to make it larger.

Put the new Ball Automatic Jam Maker on the very top of my wish list.  I can't wait to own one.  We have lots of berries in the summer months.  

 A Sunday morning view from my front porch.  Good thing the dogs didn't see them.


  1. Ball Automatic Jam Maker, never heard of that. But it stirs! WOWEE!

  2. Glad ya'll got that egg stealin' rat!!
    Your Glamping setup looks nice! :)


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