Tuesday, June 19, 2012

96 Degrees Today

It's a scorcher here today - 96°F.  I'm trying to finish up a few more batches of jam.  We are nearing the end of the strawberry season, but still picking wild black raspberries.

I'm falling behind on housework, and really need to get myself back on track. 


  1. Have you ever thought of drying them?

  2. Have you ever thought of drying them?

  3. Zounds! Do you have the wind too? Up here at I-70, we have the heat AND wind--it's like a convection oven. I do declare! Those strawberries look yummers!

  4. Can't in the heat though. God's way of slowing us down.

  5. Great idea Nancy. I wasn't even thinking about dehydrating them. Gosh that's a great idea.

  6. I keep track of the weather in Northern Illinois where I'm originally from and it is hotter there than down here in AR! Climate change?
    Where do you find the wild black raspberries? That's awesome!


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