Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wild Red Clover Jelly

While sitting outside the other night, looking out at the back of the property, I looked at all that wild growing red clover.

"I wonder if the pioneers made anything out of clover?" I asked the kids. 

Their response?  Laughter and head nodding.

"Let me guess Mom?  You are going to make jelly?"

I don't think the pioneers would have canned it with 8 cups of sugar, but I made it anyway.  I used the same recipe I used for the white clover.

It turned out with a very pretty color.

We tasted the wild white clover jelly and it was delicious.  Not one person here had a bad comment.  One daughter said it tasted like a popsicle.

It is a bit softer than a regular jelly, almost the thickness of dandelion jelly.  In my opinion, a bit too runny.   I'll let the other jars set a few more days to see if it thickens.  It not, I will be using a different recipe that yields less jars.

Next to try will be a jam, similar to what the pioneers made.


  1. I have a whole lawn of white and red clover but Terminex was here and my neighbors use chemicals on their lawns so I don't think I'll try it. But when I get my little acreage for sure!!!!

  2. oooo.... that is sooo pretty!
    Just as soon as I can find some pectin without any dextrose in it, I plan to get back into making jams and jellies. I can't wait!
    If it doesn't set up, you could always use is as pancake syrup. I did that once and my kids really enjoyed it that way!

  3. It sure turned out a pretty color! :)

  4. When I have jelly that comes out a bit too runny I use it as syrup for pancakes or waffles! Yummy!

  5. This looks delicious! I took my daycare boys on an outing to find red clover today, we found the clover but had forgotten a bag!! We will be re-tracing out stroller tracks very soon! Going to try making your coffee jelly this weekend!

  6. It's thick enough to use for jelly, I just have to use a spoon vs. a knife. Once it's been in the fridge, it's also becomes a bit thicker.

  7. My jelly came out runny. Is there anything I can do to firm it up?

  8. Rhondalou, I have never done it, but some have reboiled it if it's really runny, but you will need to re-seal again. I have put slightly runny jelly in the fridge to firm it up, or use as syrup over pancakes and waffles etc.


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