Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Work and Relaxation

I've been taking a bit of morning time to watch the birds on our property.  Every now and then I am able to get somewhat of a good photo.  I have seen a red-winged blackbird only once, and did not have my camera.

We've found several nests in the barns lately.

Including this one.  It's built on the end of a bend wire on the roof of our "wood" barn.

We see vultures almost every day here.

We have been spending a lot of time preparing Christmas gifts - Flower dishcloths/doilies, flower canning lid magnets, and goat's milk soap.  I have more to work on this week as well.

Mother's Day started with being gifted breakfast in bed.  Yum!  They even used my garden rosemary on the potatoes.

I don't like to post a long update, so I'll update our gardening another day.  The gardening season is keeping us very busy, and so are keep flower beds and herb gardens updated, and sidewalks.  We gave one small sidewalk a makeover.

Two more to go....these are small sidewalks that cut through flower beds and herb gardens.  

The chickens got into our 48 cauliflower plants, numerous cabbage and broccoli plants and more yesterday.  We had to replant them, and put the chickens in the coop.  Building the chicken tractors are number one on the list, then goat fencing.  Naughty chickens.


  1. Very naughty chickens!!
    Love the flower dishcloths! Your bird pictures are great and how neat to get treated to breakfast in bed!

  2. We had to fence in the "tough" area of our veggie garden to keep the gilrs in, otherwise they ruin our perennials and other tender veggies....

  3. Chicken tractor is something I desire as well. At present they have an outside run, but have eaten all the grass in there. I too love your flower pot holders. Are you enjoying the farmers market? This is my plan for the fall when the produce is also ready.


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