Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Momma Said There'd Be Days Like These

 (photo taken by my 15 year-old daughter)

Saturday's day at the Farmer's Market was a flop.  We sold two items (that basically paid our cost to be there) in 4 hours.  No profit.

The goat's milk soap did not sell at all, as I was very very surprised.  We did not sell any jelly either.

We sold one wine cork key chain and one pot holder set (crocheted).

I kind of figured we'd have days like these, but boy it was hot day too.  Big bummer to the kids.  This was our second time selling at the Farmer's Market.  It seems that most people only want food or plants.

We'll give it another try next month.


  1. Maybe you would do better at craft fairs? Or selling from your blog? So sorry you didn't have a good day. If I do anything it will be strictly from home. I'm a home body and gas is too expensive. In fact I was going to take recycling yesterday but that was all I had to do in town and it wasn't worth it.

  2. So sorry to read this - I did Farmer's Markets for years - up a three am, load the trailer, set up in the dark and tear down by 3 and back home. Luckly, we did fairly well but it took a while. We did every weekend which I think is a way to get folks to know we would be there.. Good luck and hope it picks up.

  3. Oh no! I was so looking forwrd to your progree. Not sure if you have along weekend there or not. It is up here , and other then garden centers everyone is gone and away to the Lakes. Except us farmers!!!

  4. Forgot. Thank your daughter for the picture, a sit gives others of us ideas.


  5. Days like that are really a bummer. I'm surprised that the soap and the jelly didn't sell, they are usually pretty good sellers at our Farmer's Market. I sure hope next month is better for you guys!

  6. Oh dear, sorry to hear that, and your stand looks so lovely! Hope you will have more success next month!


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