Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From the Homesteading Journal . . .

 Unloaded 50 bales of grass hay.

Built 2 raised beds using landscaping timber we bought for $.97 each.  The store ran out, so we are hoping for more to come in before the sale ends.

Planted 48 more Roma tomatoes, more organic carrots and 23 strawberry plants.

Hubby and son worked several hours replacing brakes on my son's car.  They still need to replace the back drum brakes (not fun to replace).

While they worked on the brakes, I did laundry and started cleaning out the debris in the wood barn.  I'm getting it cleaned up and cutting up the last of the wood that's still in there.  This will be a weekly chore until it's finished.

Baby chicks are outside now, but in a separate cage that is in side the coop for now. 

Having been 96° yesterday, we finally got the much needed rain.  The cool air is a relief to the heat.

Had 2 flat tires in two days.  Needless to say, it was not a good two days.  During that time, my son's watch was stolen at the gym.  We have asked the gym staff to review their camera tapes, and hubby borrowed a plug kit to plug both tires.

Orion's (our billy goat) horn is growing back in.  We are checking with the vet on what happens next, cost, etc.  We may have to put up a donation button on our blog to avoid putting him down.  It's possible that we may need to also buy a trailer to get him to the city that will do the surgery (if we can get the money for his surgery).  Even then, the vet said it's very risky and he could die from the surgery.  Lots to think about and decide on.  

We retired the evening in our glamped up tent until the strong winds ripped down the tablecloths.  It was relaxing while it lasted.


  1. Sorry to hear about your "not so fun" weekend. I would check your driveway for nails or something as 2 sounds a little suspicious.

  2. We just finished putting 500 bales in our barn loft. Yes I said 500! It is a start. More to go ;/

  3. You must have many more animals than we have.

  4. No wonder they ran out of the timbers at $.97 each! What a good deal!
    Sorry about the flat tires and the troubles with your billy goat's horn.
    I do love your glamped up tent though! :)


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