Sunday, May 6, 2012

from the Homesteading Journal . . .

....planted a Colorado Blue Spruce seedling, purchased cumin seeds to grow again, and planted two new apple trees.

...planted more lettuce, radishes, beets, carrots, Swiss chard, and spinach.  Rain is coming so we will till and plant more after that.

...planted several zinnia seeds. hen isn't looking so good.  She came onto the porch and dropped an egg that was shell less and rubbery.  We have been giving her extra minerals and making sure she gets grit,but she is moving as slow as molasses and appears to be stuck on an egg.  We are keeping an eye on her, but concerned too.  I guess we learn something new every year.  She doesn't really act like she wants to eat either. Poor girl.

...hubby and I both have caught the virus that our 12 year-old brought home from a sleep over.  I'm taking Cold-Eeze and drinking lots of liquids, but we continue to be congested and now my ear hurts.  We've gone through 2 boxes of kleenex already....sigh....I really don't want to visit the doctor again.

Update on the hen:  She passed away during the night on 5/6/12.


  1. Have you tried giving your hen a warm bath? Sometimes that helps release the egg....

  2. Have you tired some homeopathic cold stuff? I started getting a sore throat late Friday, started it right away, and gone by mid yesterday. Hope you guys get better! A warm compress for ears is good too, and 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar ear drops. My husbands doc told him that, works well for early on earaches...

  3. I am so sorry about your hen! We really do get attached to our girls.
    I do hope you both are feeling better.

  4. Oh, so sorry about your hen. Was she old? You are so inspirng with all you get done. You keep me moving forward...thank you.

  5. The hen was about 3 years old. We've lost a few of them (from the same group) over the last year or so.


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