Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Excerpts From a Journal Junkie

from the homesteading journal . . .

We started tilling up the garden.  Martha is getting a new look this year.  She's getting a new hat, shirt, apron, and even gloves this year.

 (First Day Home)

I picked up our new chicks.  We now have five baby araucanas.  They are so cute!

 I planted about 27 pounds of potatoes, and about 130 yellow onions.   Planted the peas and two types of heirloom lettuce also.

from the family journal . . .

 After buying my 10 year-old a new pair of dish gloves, she went bonkers and cleaned just about everything, including my master bathroom.

  She rolled up towels and washcloths and tied them with pretty purple yarn.  She made me a "room" key and left me a note on the bathroom sink.  

 I may have to keep extra pairs on hand (ha ha ha!).

 Another stray cat has found our home. 
After keeping him in a dog cage for a few hours, he decided we were not going to hurt him.  He is sticking around the barns now, and knows he won't be hurt here.  The kids have named him Tim.

He doesn't appear to be too old, but does appear to have a mangled tail.  He's very friendly.

from the crafting journal . . .

My 15 year-old daughter successfully made a batch of lavender goat's milk soap.  It will need to cure before we can sell it at the Farmer's Market.  We are thrilled it turned out so well.

 I'm working on getting note cards made for my store (see button on left side of my blog).  

 I have fun using an old vintage potato masher to create this scissor and tape holder.  If you click on my S.C.R.A.P. blog button (to the left on this blog) you will be directed on how I made it.

from the writing journal . . .

Started reviewing older articles to update. 

from the garden journal . . . 

 Planted 13 gladiolus. 

from the gratitude journal . . .

 Today I am thankful for:

~ the rain that helps our garden grow
~ hot water
~ pillows
~ hot coffee, especially on nights I didn't sleep well
~ the milk the goat's provide
~ the friend you helped me start my herb gardens over 10 years ago
~ Ball canning jars
~ my camera
~ God's Guidance
~ God's Promises


  1. Those chicks are so cute, and my my doesn't Martha have a trim waist line!!
    I love the sound of lavender goats milk soap, very impressed that your 15 year old daughter makes it! I'm a bit scared to try, it's the lye thing i think, do you have to use it in soap making?
    Your note cards are looking lovely.

  2. Yes, the recipe includes lye. She uses goggles, and gloves, and we remove all animals from the downstairs area. We place up barricades to keep everyone out while it's being made.

  3. That is an awfully nice apron for the scarecrow!
    Kudos to your daughter for her soapmaking! The lye scares me away too.
    Love the note from your 10-year-old daughter! :)

  4. Congrats to your daughter! I too am leary of lye! I love the idea of your different journals....that's a great idea! Even bigger congrats to your 10 year old who left the note! She's a great example for all of us! Give them both a big hug from me! What an awesome family you have.


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