Monday, April 9, 2012

Vintage Pearls

  (an antique store "find")

Whether these are real or not, I bought them.  They were only $.50 each, including the earrings.  Although I bought them for wearing, the girls are already fighting over who gets to wear them first, for play jewelry.  A girl has to have her pearls.


  1. You come up with the best finds. Those pearls are beautiful! And I love that hanger. It is so unique.

  2. Kris,
    Pretty good buy for.50 cents. I have a whole bunch of pearls, I just don't know for sure how to tell the real ones. Some of the clasps are pretty fancy so I think they might be the better ones. Someone said if they are strung on a heavy thread with knots between the pearls thats a good thing. So I just keep them not really knowing.
    I went to the thrift for a fast look this morning. Got a pretty white blouse, and a bag of small wooden apples.
    Nancy Jo

  3. Very pretty real or not. I have pearls that were my Mothers and they are cultured but in a very nice box and are strung on cord or string and knotted in between each but I didn't think "cultured" were real. Just an F.Y.I.

  4. this would have been something I would have chose to pick up. I love me some pearls, and the little tub....lovely. There is just something lovely about pearls, whether real or not...they are lovely.


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