Monday, April 16, 2012

Making Jelly

I've started making more jellies earlier this season.  I'll be ready for when the wild black raspberries and Queen Anne's Lace are in season now.

The organic section at my store had organic juice on sale for buy one-get one free.  I got a few and got busy canning.
Apricot Nectar and Tart Cherry Jelly
More Dandelion Jelly
 Grape Jelly
 Orange-Mango Jelly
....and this is only the beginning.


  1. Lovely looking and I bet is taste great too.... I just opened a jar of last year strawberry jam and enjoyed it on fresh warm homemade bread... Love in a jar.

  2. Looks good! I'm finishing up my homemade applesauce, sigh...

  3. Beautiful! I always love all the jewel-toned colors of home canned jelly! :)

  4. Those look delicious! Especially the Orange Mango. You know, I hadn't thought of making jelly with juice from the store (I am always finding it on clearance), just with fruits I pick. I am going to have to try that. I am almost out of jelly and one of our stores has apple cider on clearance for 99¢ a half gallon. And I just got some mint. Thanks!


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