Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Porch Furniture is Back

I was thrilled to move a few wicker rocking chairs back to my front porch again.  Not all of the furniture has been returned to it's rightful place, but enough for all of us to enjoy sitting out there.

The furniture will need a good cleaning, but for yesterday, and today, it will do as is.  The weather has been in the 70's, with cool nights.  It's been gorgeous and almost all of us took time to sit for a while, and enjoy the peace that the front porch brings.  Even the barn cats came to visit.

I finally submitted my most recent article.  This time it was a contest piece.  It sure felt good to be writing again.  I hope to be writing from my front porch today.

....of course that will be after chores are done.


  1. I did a little porch sitting yesterday evening myself! The frogs are back in the pond and I love to sit there in the evening and hear them sing their mating calls. My porch furniture is in dire need of a paint job. UGH! I hate to paint!



  2. Well, we kind'a sort'a did some porch sitting. Although it was kind'a in the woods.....and sort'a on a felled log. Close enough!

    I LOVE the look of an inviting porch!

  3. I have been getting my porch back in order too. We have been having temps in the 80s this week and it just pulls us outdoors.

  4. Cute! Getting ready to get our deck set out soon and be outside...


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