Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hangin' Out

I am loving the warmer weather.  It sure dries my laundry faster.

I love the smell of bed sheets after they have been out on the clothesline.  I actually think it helps me sleep better too.

Speaking of sheets, I had to wash my bedding this morning.  Not because I am trying to de-germ the house, but because the two younger girls got Milo (our rabbit) out of his cage and let him play on my bed this morning.  They gave him a newspaper to rip up and play with, but while they were laughing at his excitement, he left me a little present.  The girls are now cleaning my mattress - ha ha ha!  No resting in there for me today.

I've gotten many "do's" this week from my 10 year-old daughter.  She wants to be a hair stylist when she grows up and she has been learning and practicing how to french braid my hair.  She's told me that I can't get more than 2 inches cut off, so she can continue to use me for practice.  I kind of enjoy it anyway.  It's pampering and relaxing.

We continue to fight off this nasty virus.  My 18 year-old daughter got it the worst I think.

Gus, our oldest dog, went back to the vet again this morning.  My son found another lump in the area of his recent surgery.

As for Peanut, she has not delivered as of this morning, but her utter is tighter than the previous day.


  1. oh yuck...sorry about that mattress...
    Hope all is well, with the dog AND WITH the family. Y'ALL GET WELL!

    --LOVE hanging out the clothes, our winter was mild enough we could do it most wash days...just have to watch the weather.Get it out sooner for more drying time.

    take care~Pat

  2. Whoops on the mattress! I have a great waterproof mattress pad that isn't "crackly" I got it on QVC and it is terry cloth on one side and a soft waterproof layer on the other for when the grandkids are here or I spill when drinking my coffee in bed! LOL! It's "saved" my mattress plenty of times!
    I was going to hang out today but it's getting late now and I haven't even started the wash. I had an unexpected visitor and a call this morning that lasted longer than I anticipated so I guess they will get hung out tomorrow now. I'm a little tired out today so I will probably not get half of what I wanted to do done. Maybe I'll perk up later...I hope so! I have gobs to do!
    I used to love it when my kids would play hairdresser with my hair when they were little! they were so gentle and it was relaxing and almost put me to sleep! Enjoy it while you can!

  3. Love your photos! Hope you are all feeling better! :)

    Kindly, Lorraine

  4. I too love the smell of sheets that have been dried outside! Even if they have been in the linen closet for several months, you can still smell the freshness. Ya'll sure have been hit hard with that nasty virus. :(

  5. I can't wait to put my cloths line up. It just has to stop raining first.


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