Monday, March 12, 2012

Green Dress Event

If you are a parent with teen girls, then you probably know how expensive prom dresses are these days.  I've been praying that the girls find a dress at an inexpensive price. 

Well, our prayers were answered for one daughter.  A friend told them about a dress event that a church held in another city.  

The event was a "green" event for giving a free donated dress to each girl that attended.  My second oldest daughter went also, but found a Homecoming dress. 

Each girl that attended also got one free piece of makeup and one piece of jewelry.  

A note came with each dress that asks for the recipient to donate the dress back, and help the program continue.
(my oldest daughter in her prom dress in 2011 - beautiful, yet very expensive and worn once)

I think this program is wonderful.  My girls only wear their dress one time, and most of the time, they can't be handed down to the next daughter.

And of course, today's dresses are not conservative as they once were.  However, the trend to wear long dresses to prom as returned in our area. 

Another prayer that was answered - a new well dug a the horse stable.  Evidently, the 120 year-old well at the stable went dry.  Water was brought in one day, and they were successful at digging a new well.  If they had not been, my daughter's horse would have had to be moved to a more expensive stable.  Phew!  Thank you God!

A Year of Quotes:
"I think the one lesson I have  learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention."  ~ Diane Sawyer


  1. Your daughter is beautiful and so is the dress. I am glad that you found a dress and inexpensive just adds to the fun.

  2. What a great event for helping girls get dresses for the prom!! Thanks goodness for the well too!

  3. Our girls did that too, great programs!

  4. Wonderful news about the well.

    The formal dress event-- Cool idea!



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