Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Day Off

Although I had a few errands to run, I pretty much took the rest of the day "off" for once.  I didn't even cook.  We enjoyed leftovers - spaghetti and corn on the cob.

 I took the afternoon to catch up on reading and writing both.  Getting "rejections" isn't my problem right now.  I haven't sent out enough to receive rejections.  However, this book is very inspiring and contains many writing exercises.

 Even the barn cats joined me for a relaxing afternoon on the front porch.

 Those jelly beans you see in the photo are made in the USA, do not contain high fructose syrup, and contain real fruit juice.  A girl has to have candy once in a while.


  1. Jelly beans are my husband's favorite candy. It can be so hard to find made in the U.S.A. products, and the fact that they are healthy just makes it all the more wonderful that you found them. A win-win situation indeed!

  2. Kris,
    Good for you taking the day off, its good for a person.
    I love jelly beans, once I start eating them I can't stop.
    Keep writting and don't give up, you never know what could have been if you giveup.
    Drawing over on my site if you want to sign up.
    Nancy Jo

  3. Good for you for taking the day off!
    Those kitties look very, very relaxed! :)

  4. Those jelly beans, do they have any sugar of any kind in them? And if so, is is ordinary sugar or evaporated cane juice. I am looking for candies with unrefined sugar. Those sure look yummy! Glad you got a day off and got to enjoy it. Beautiful cats!

  5. Anna, the next time I am shopping, I'll check the ingredients again. I already got rid of my bag they came in.

  6. You are SO right! I bought some Brach's just assuming they were from the U.S. but no....made in Mexico! And HFCS to boot! I'll be looking for Gimbal's and ordering as I've never heard of them around here! I never buy candy but I had to have jelly beans to put around the base of the bunny cake don't ya know! LOL! (and the black ones are always situated around the tail area...I know, I'm BAD!)


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