Monday, March 19, 2012

After the flood

You can see the mud splatters on my daffodils.  The sun is shining and the flooding is over.

Short post today.....15 year-old daughter has been running a 102° fever all weekend.  

Have a Blessed Day!


  1. I hope your daughter gets well soon. Lovely pictures!

  2. Glad you didn't sustain any serious water damage and just think of the green & blooms you will have come later in Spring...

  3. I hope your daughter is doing better! I love the daffodils, mud splatters and all!

  4. Sending your daughter healing thoughts. I know Mother Nature is not playing nicely with any of us - Chin up and keep going.. It is our only way to show Mother Nature we are strong.

  5. Glad the flooding is over. Rained/snowed all day yesterday, cold but sun's out today!

  6. Your daffodils are lovely even splattered in mud. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

  7. What flood? Where? Were you affected? I know we have flood warnings every Spring but so far so good here.


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