Sunday, March 25, 2012

Accidental Road Trip

I don't think my husband will ever let me crochet in the car again. He he!  We ended up going South vs. East over the weekend, and we had to stop to get directions. 

I trusted myself with my travel journal, and we accidentally, missed the correct exit.  However, it was all good.  

This guy wasn't in a hurry to leave, so he's in my photo (sorry guy).  See that cabinet in the truck?  This is all a funny story.  

We saw this antique store, once we were on the right road to our location.  We decided to stop and have a "look-see."  While we were shopping, and oohing and ahhhing the entire time, this guy came in to buy that large cabinet you see in the truck.  There were two women working, and they were on their phones attempting to get this guy help, but no one was available.  Hubby overheard, and offered to help.  Thankfully, he was there to help him out.  This was in Centerberg, Ohio.  So if you ever get there, you have to stop there.  Oh my goodness!

Prices ranged up and down, as in any antique store, but there were so many things to look at.  We have plans to return there.  

 Next, on the route, we drove through Mt. Vernon, Ohio.  You have to stop here for a meal if you ever get to this town.  This diner has been there for years, but had been closed to renovate.  It had just opened back up, and had delicious food!  Another awesome "accidental" stop.

I won't bore you with an entire post of good deals we found at thrift stores and antique stores, but one thing we bought in Centerberg, Ohio, was a porcelain light switch cover.



Isn't it pretty?  It was on sale in a booth for $5.00!  Now I am on the hunt to replace all the covers in my house.  Look out hubby....more road trips!  At the same location I found a makeup case (small luggage case).  However, we could not get it open.  They called the seller, but could not get in touch.  This is one more reason to make a trip back.  I hope, when I call them back tomorrow, they will have found out the combination to open it.  I wish I had taken my camera inside, because there were so many things to put on our wish lists.

At another location, I found small plates to add to our kitchen ware.

We found the plates at a Goodwill store for $.29/each.  They are also made in the USA.  The table cloth underneath it was found at an antique store - $4.79 (40% off sale in one on the booths).

We had a really good time, got a lot of walking in for exercise, including stair climbing, and relaxed too.  We took stairs instead of the elevator in the antique malls, and walked when we could. of the best parts of all.  At one of the flea markets we went to, there was a woman giving massages.  We booked a ten minute massage for each of us, and felt so relaxed.  I guess the woman did not have one customer the day prior, and another woman was telling us that she was hurting for business.  So, my husband went over and paid for us to get massages - my first massage ever.

There were so many highlights on this trip that I don't now where to end the post.  We found lots of good deals, laughed at our mishap in driving there, ate good food, enjoyed good coffee, and bought locally made items when we could find them.

Monday is my all-out cleaning day, so I better go get some rest....


  1. Sometimes those unplanned detours are the best!

  2. It looks like you had a great time and it is wonderful that you both were able to laugh about going the wrong way. I love the beautiful items you found. You have me wanting to search for new light switch covers now!

  3. What a fun day! The porcelain light switch cover is gorgeous! :)

  4. What a find(s)! I felt like I almost took the trip with you! I love that because about the only place I go is Walmart! LOL! Thanks for sharing, as usual.

  5. Sounds like you have a most wonderful time!! that light switch cover is gorgeous. You have a real flair for digging out treasures!!


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