Saturday, February 18, 2012

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

from my crafting Journal. . .
 ...started a new pattern for dishcloths that use #10 cotton threads.

from my Gratitude Journal. . .

Today I am Thankful for:

~the vintage tablecloths that I have been able to buy (and use) over the years

~for sound and to be able to hear

~for written devotional books 

~for friends who offer up prayers

~for our relatives who allow us to borrow their pop-up camper

from the homesteading journal . . .

 ...started to map out the garden and set dates for starting seeds inside

...collected toothpaste recipes to try

...chickens are still not laying as many eggs, despite warmer weather and sunshine

...collecting meatless recipes to encourage more vegetables in our diet 

...tried buffalo meat (organically raised) in our crock pot chili and loved it 

....I am still hanging laundry outside

It's even drying completely this winter since we are having a milder season.  The wind and sun were perfect for drying laundry.  Last year I had to shovel my way out to the line and shovel a walkway along the line.  

....planning our camping trips already


  1. Chili looks delicious! A friend gifted me a bag of cotton stash last week, I've haven't tried it yet as it looks so fine. Are the dishcloths you have drying outside made with #10 cotton? They look to pretty to use! but I bet it's a great way to motivated oneself into doing the washing up. Any tips on using fine thread would be greatly appreciated.

  2. are my long lost Sister!!!! I didn't know you had a blog..I'm so sorry...I'm following now! We like all the same things and I absolutely adore the picture of the house at the top of your blog. That is like my dream "fixer-upper"! Ok, well if I got it for a REALLY low price that is and acres to go with it.
    I have to feed "the girls and me". I just got home so I know tonight I'll be sitting in front of this pc with a hot cup of cocoa and a fire in the fireplace reading all your past posts! Thank you for visiting mine. Did we chat in the past on MJ's? I used to get on there but not much any more. I spend so much time on the pc I can't get anything done! But I sure love the blogs and people I meet like you! My kids think I'm nuts too! LOL!

  3. OH, this was fun!!! I love that crochet thread, too!!! I think it's really neat that you're fostering an attitude of gratitude :) :) Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
    We eat buffalo meat from time to time. It's tasty and super healthy for you :) Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  4. I'm also looking into buying a line dryer. Now that we're getting a few more sunny days, I want to air dry my clothes outside, avoid electricity and take advantage of the sunshine. Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  5. ehem!... we almost always get to hang out our laundry in the winter too...but I guess we're being blessed with some drought relief and so much rain has hindered the hanging outside. I put up a retractable clothes line in the laundry room and have resorted to use the dryer a few times too.
    Just a few months ago I was discussing with the Honey--whether or not to sell the dryer. We hung onto it.
    I love the lace doilies. I've not made any of those in a few years...but seeing yours makes me want to get to crocheting some!
    I'm definitely going to be making one of those 'onion bag' scrubbies you recently posted about...I've got a grapefruit bag waiting to be made into scrubbies~

    take care have a great week... Pat

  6. Emma, the dishcloths I'm crocheting are #10 cotton thread. It's the first time for me making them with this thread. I have used 100% 4 ply, and even bought 2 ply, but not #10 threads. I'll post a picture when it's finished.

  7. Buffalo is indeed good meat!

    Those dishcloths look so delicate that I don't know if I could actually USE them! Very pretty!

    Sounds like you are ready for spring planting! :)

    PS--the new word verification is really HARD to figure out!

  8. Where do you get your bison meat?

  9. Nancy, I was able to find it at a Kroger store here.


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