Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend Wonderfuls

I finished the prayer shawl, and two more hats over the weekend.  I am now slowing down to finish some larger, unfinished projects.  I still have ornaments and a few other smaller projects, but I am happy with my progress.

I need to can jellies soon, but today is my "all-out" house cleaning day.  I like to start the week off with a spic n' span clean house.  However, I need to exercise first.  I am slowly working back up to a 4:30am wake up call (I do much better when I exercise first thing in the morning).


  1. You are hummimg away on all your projects. keep the momentum going. i like to exercise early in the morning to.

  2. Whew, I'm tired just reading about it all! LOL!!


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