Monday, January 23, 2012

New Twist on Fries

I am trying to add more vegetables and fruits to our meals, so I made Rutabaga Fries to go with baked Tilapia and peas mixed with carrots.  

These were okay, but nut spectacular.  We used a recipe that required fresh chopped rosemary and onion powder.  They were good, but not really good.  

There are so many recipes available for baking these.  I may try using a garlic herb mix on them the next time I bake them.


  1. Rutabaga? I would never have thought to try it... but then I am a little slow at venturing out beyound, taters & corn! lol! I did finally try french fried sweet taters, and was pleasently surprised... i like them...
    Let us know how the next experiment goes with the rutabagas goes.. :>)

  2. Do you think it was the rosemary? I know it's not one of my favorite herbs to cook with but I love having it in the garden! LOL!! I'm new to rutabagas and trying to find different ways to prepare them.

  3. Not something I would have had the guts to try.

    Another blogger used tiger lily rhisomes to make mashed potatoes and pronounced them quite good.


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