Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chopped and other updates. . .

We've been watching the "Chopped" Foodnetwork show, and the kids love it.  Last night our 12 year-old begged for her own box of food to cook with.

We gave her 2 boxes of black wild rice, a jar of pimentos and a bag of mini-marshmallows.  I had no idea what to get, or how creative she could be.

She cooked the rice, added the pimentos and added leftover diced chicken we had that she marinated a bit in soy sauce.

She made a dessert with the mini-marshmallows and crushed rice chex cereal.  She added raisins also.  It kind of tasted like rice krispie treats, but tougher to chew.  She did pretty good.

I think they had so much fun with this that I may purchase items for her and her younger sister for another round.

Gus came home late afternoon yesterday.  He's doing good and getting lots of pampering.  He follows my son everywhere now.  The vet told my son that the growth/lump was very deep, black and very nasty looking.  My son agreed to have it tested in a lab, so we will know for sure.  However, my son felt another lump in another area, so he'll be watching that too.  Thank you for all you prayers for Gus.

The weather is a teensy bit warmer, and we got more snow last night.  The pipes finally thawed by late evening last night - YAY! We get showers!

Although yarn and quilling paper has arrived in my mail, I continue to knit and crochet daily.  I am amazed how fast I can knit know compared to last summer.  I can remember days where I could not knit when the kids were home.  I literally had to take entire knitted block apart, because I lost track of rows and stitches.  I'm not an expert at it, but much better.  Now, when I get back to tatting, I'll probably have to re-teach myself again.  Ha ha ha!

 A recent sunrise from my front porch.


  1. What a fun idea, Kristina! We enjoy that program, too--perhaps I will try the "box" with a few of my children. It would be a great chance to clean out the pantry a bit (haha) and they would LOVE it!

    Have a lovely Saturday.

  2. I STILL want to learn to TAT and haven't gotten on that yet. But, surprisingly I have picked up knitting needles and am trying my hand at that instead. It's a work in progress. I think I'd like to make some socks. Everyone says knitted socks are the best?!
    So that is my goal to knit a pair of socks.
    ...and learn to TAT.

    Off topic- I noticed you removed the link to your store. I also took mine down. Didn't do anything with it. Am thinking maybe Etsy. How about you? Are you thinking of going that route?
    just curious, as I didn't see your store link anymore.

    take care- Pat

  3. I've heard of the tv show "Chopped" I like to watch The Pioneer Woman and Diners, DRive-Ins and Dives on The Food Network :) :) I'm glad Gus is doing better :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  4. Pat, I still have the store, but have not gotten any business from it. I may try Etsy, but I'd like to build up my items first. It's hard with a large household and so many responsibilities.

  5. Glad Gus is home, always stressful for pets to be away. Good for your girl cooking! Have them help with meals, then do a dinner once in a while! My girls are really glad I taught them the basics now that they have their own place. Real cooking, not microwaving :) And taught them basic sewing, like hemming and sewing on buttons...

  6. Your version of Chopped sounds like fun!
    I'm glad Gus is home but sorry to hear there is another lump. :(
    Thanks for the picture of the sunrise, very pretty!

  7. Beautiful sunset!

    Love the Chopped box idea. Sounds like the girls are going to be good cooks!

    Hope Gus gets well...


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