Monday, November 28, 2011

Teabag Tidbits ~ Thankgsgiving Vacation is Over

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."

Thanksgiving vacation is over.  The kids are heading back to school this morning.  Yesterday, I got up to make sure my oldest daughter was out the door in time for her 7:00am shift at work.
When I met up with her in the living room, I was told "Mom!  Quit being a Mom and making sure I'm up!"
However, today I stayed snuggled in bed with one of the dogs, keeping warm.  I didn't hear any commotion out in the kitchen and thought it was odd.
My husband had been up and out the door at 4:00am for deer hunting (maybe next year it will be the both of us), and I had fallen back asleep.
It was nearing 7:00am, and all the lights were still out.  I remembered yesterday's "Mom!" moment, so I decided to take my time and brew a pot of coffee.  It's a bit chilly in the house, as we did not use the wood burner during the night.
Even after starting the coffee pot, not one of the kids stirred.  Finally, I pulled a light string and mentioned the bus would be here in a half hour.  All the sudden, three girls were scrambling to get dressed.
I guess they still need Mom as a back up alarm clock after all.


  1. Kristina,
    Trust me, they always need their Mom, they just don't know it sometimes. My Kids are all grown and the girls call me everyday. Yep, once a Mom always a Mom, that should be a sampler.
    Would like to see the inside of that cabin on your header, wonder who lived there?

  2. Ah, gotta love kids. When ours turned about 8 we got them all alarm clocks and they learned to stagger themselves in the bathroom :) Worked great!

  3. Ah, gotta love kids. When ours turned about 8 we got them all alarm clocks and they learned to stagger themselves in the bathroom :) Worked great!

  4. Ah, gotta love kids. When ours turned about 8 we got them all alarm clocks and they learned to stagger themselves in the bathroom :) Worked great!


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