Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Applesauce Cake with Molasses ~ Deer Hunding Update

I went searching for a cake using my homemade applesauce, and one that also used molasses.  

 I doubled this Spiced Applesauce Cake Recipe, and baked it in a 9 x 13 inch pan.  The family loved it.  It's a very dense cake and can be eaten with hands too (kid tested).  It could use a layer of frosting for a tea party or coffee gathering, and is perfect for packing in school lunches.

 I was surprised that there was any left this morning.  In fact, the kids ate a piece for their breakfast.  Yum!

The men were unsuccessful in bringing in a deer yesterday.  However, they got permission to work the woods in which the deer ran into yesterday.  Today is a different story.  The rain and wind make it very difficult to hunt, and they are already stopping for a while.  Maybe they can go back out later.  It would be nice to have meat in the freezer for winter.

With snow in the forecast, we'll be stocking our porch with a load of cut firewood later.  I can hear the wind whistling inside the house.


  1. That cakes looks delish. And if I am not mistaken that plate has a pig under the cake....lol. I have those dishes as well! We bagged a deer as well and I am canning mine later today. I just have trouble trusting my freezer with power outages.

  2. I love molasses and I'm always looking for ways to use my homemade applesauce! In fact, today I made up a batch of the Applesauce BBQ Sauce you mentioned the other day and it is really good (I didn't use as much sugar as the orginal recipe called for)! It's going on baked meatballs for supper!
    You guys stay warm!!

  3. Hi now that looks yummy! My husband is a hunter too. He didn't get anything either.One more day for him then he is back to work.The weather here in millbrook NY has been unusually warm for this time of year.Take care-Anna


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