Saturday, September 17, 2011

Road Trip ~ Newest Addition To The Farm

We are heading out today, to bring home a new member to the farm.  Stay tuned for updates.  It's about a 1 hour and 15 minute drive one way.  This should be a fun day around here.

We are finally back.  We originally called about a mini-lamancha goat, and when I got to talking to the woman, she also had a full sized purebred lamancha she wanted to sell, which was what we really needed.

When we got there, we were talking about our billy goat, and she mentioned her purebred Nigerian wether.  She tried to sell him, but could not, and was thinking he would be going to the butcher.  She asked if we would like to take him, free of charge, for a buddy for our billy.  
Meet Peanut (left) and Rue (short for Rudy on the right).

Then, as we were getting ready to leave, we found out a nearby neighbor had about 50 guinea hens.  We drove over, but the younger ones, in the roost, were already asked for.  There was no way we'd catch the bigger ones.  Some day we'll have 2 of those too.  We almost did today.

I have to say, that little Rue sure is loud.  I'm so glad we brought him home though.  The two newbies stick together, and follow me around in the pen.  Misty, is testing them both, and getting put in her place.  Hopefully, they will all get along.

We are excited, because Peanut is in milk, and we now have fresh goat milk.  YAY! 


  1. Hi Kristina~

    Thanks for stopping by this morning and encouraging me on my blog about selling!

    I was wondering, If you don't mind, how well you do? Do you have your blog listed anywhere (the selling blog) besides in your profile? I saw it listed there and have been over to check it out-- and was inspired to go ahead and get started trying to sell.

    I've seen others doing the same-- didn't know if you get much traffic. Any tips?

    Also-- how exciting to have a goat or two and one is in MILK! Yay!
    Hope you get your guineas. I remember you leaving a sweet comment the other day about Guineas and haven't forgotten. I'm on the look out for some of those too! (now.)

    Thanks again for stopping by!

  2. I am excited for you to be enlarging your farm family. And how neat that she is in the "milky way"! will you make cheese?

  3. We definitely plan on making all types of cheeses.

  4. Well my your goats...I don't know much about them, but I'll read your blog and learn....good for you...enjoy your farm life....I love looking and watching things around the farm....I'm a city gal...over at Mel's Designs from the Cabin blog...Mel


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