Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Project Catch-Up Day ~ Or So I Thought

Yesterday I thought I could work on some unfinished projects while the dinner potatoes got fried.  Ha!  For the first time every, I had a bad crafting day.  I was too much in a hurry to get some embroidery done.

I have to get this towel finished before the pattern fades away.  I started to outline the cat in gray, but with the color of green I used on the dress, it appeared as a moss green cat.  

So, after doing the bottom feet, tail and one paw, I started to take it out.  I re-did one paw in black, and it looks much better.  Now I need to take two paws and a tail back out. 

This is the first time I have had a long, frustrating crafting day.  I decided that I was not even going to work on tatting - no way at all.  I did get some knitting done, but I still have a crocheted blanket to finish.

I tried to teach my 12 year-old daughter how to do it, but she whined, "Moooooom! You made everyone elses!"
Guess I can't get out that that one, huh?

While I was out on my porch, having afternoon devotions, followed by my crafting experience, my son pointed out a blimp flying over.  I got these neat photos of it:

 Just thought I'd share!

I have one sick daughter home today.  I hope it's just a passing virus.  Time will tell.


  1. Your sweet kitty embroidery is going to be lovely when you are able to find the time to finish it :) Having to re-do a project is never any fun.

    Seeing a blimp isn't an often occurrence and this one made me smile. Hope it did you too!

  2. Some days the magic works and some days ya' just gotta leave it lie! Cool pictures of the blimp! :)

  3. I was thinking of cutting up some swiss chard stalks like celery and freezing for veggie soups. Have you ever done this? Would they be tough? What flavor would they lend? Thanks. Nancy

  4. I have not frozen the stalks of my swiss chard yet. They have a little less flavor than celery does.


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