Saturday, September 3, 2011

New Discovery!

For years, my husband has had to take over the counter medication for stomach problems (heart burn etc.).  Guess what?!

After finally getting to the point where processed foods have been weeded out of our diet (we need to do a bit more weeding), we made a discovery.

We had continued to buy canned tomato sauce from the store for many recipes.  However, now that I have been using my homemade sauce, with chemical free tomatoes, hubby doesn't get heart burn after a meal.  

Imagine these medication businesses going out of business if more people made their complete diet without processed foods.

The medication he used to take was not cheap either.  I had no idea that canning my own food would bring us more benefits than it already has.

I just had to share. 


  1. Excellent news! Sometimes you never know what kind of positive side effects change will make :)

  2. Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I am going through yours and enjoying it very much. I just wanted to post a comment here, that you should grown yellow tomatoes, instead of the darker varieties. Yellow ones are not acidic and you can still can them however you like. Just a thought.

  3. Yellow tomatoes are definitely on the list to grow next year. This year we had the larger red, roma, and orange cherry size tomatoes.


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