Monday, September 12, 2011

Knitting Update ~ Dishcloths

I finally did it!  After all these years of buying these knitted dishcloths, I knitted not one, but two myself. 

The first one was a basic square, and I put it up for sale in my on-line store.  The second pattern involved a diagonal garter stitch.

I do not have size 7 needles, so I made it with size 8, but it ended up 2 inches smaller than the pattern stated.  I am also concerned, because my starting point and the ending point do not look the same.  You can't really see in this photo, but to me it appeared different.

I found another pattern on-line this morning, and the woman had the same feelings about the starting and ending points.  I will try her pattern also, and make sure to keep measuring as I knit.  

I'm excited to finally do this.  I am still crocheting, tatting and making other crafts, it's just been one day at a time.


  1. Great job!! I crochet my dish cloths. i am so slow at knitting and the others go s fast and take less thread.

  2. I make crocheted cloths.
    Your's look great. I can't tell a starting point from an ending point on them... but I don't knit.
    As for Tatting... I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DO THAT!!!!

    ...that is me in my sounding jealous voice (kind of whiny...) Pat

  3. I like the diagonal pattern and the colors you used! :)


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