Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cloudy, Rainy, and Windy

The recent hurricanes are creating a strange weather pattern for our area this season.  I can't remember a September where we've had rain after rain after rain.

There has not been a break in the rain for two days now, and I am afraid to pull on my mucking boots, and check on the garden.  The last time I was out there, the last of the cauliflower was about ready.  We also have a few more cabbage and many green peppers.

I am sure, unless the rain caused more to grow, that the tomatoes are finished now.  

Just a few weeks ago, I watched a hummingbird (baby) in our Tall Phlox.  I tried to get a picture quickly, but this is what I ended up with:
If you look under the "Bab" in Baby above, you can see the baby hummingbird.  It was about the size of a yellow jacket.  We've seen many hummingbirds hover over this plant this year.  I have dug up and split it, spreading more of the phlox around the patio.  Hummingbirds never seem to forget where they can find flowers they need.

The clothes drying racks are already out this season.  Hmph!  I have not even started splitting wood yet.  The list of winter preparation is growing, and I'm not getting the list marked off fast enough.

This is what the ground looks like, underneath my clothesline:
The yard is a big sloppy mess. The dogs come in soaked and look hilarious, with their face hair all matted down.  They sit and lick themselves for hours, trying to get every hair back in place.

The creek is overflowing and our new bridge is under water.  We may have to pull it back out and raise it.  I guess we'll just have to wait for the water to lower first.

I am once again battling a messy kitchen this morning.  With two kids working part-time jobs, the dish chart is not being followed.  Dishes are constantly being left out on the counter, dishes on the table and (grrr!) in the front room.  With my daughter working 5-1130pm or 5-9pm, her job never gets done.  I may have to re-write my job list and put  her on sweeping chores.  The cat box, that she is in charge of, is not getting cleaned regularly.  So parents, when you kids want jobs (or need them), remember they will slack in other departments, especially if they are attending school.

The dogs aren't getting brushed either.  It looks like I will be cleaning my kitchen again, before I can clean my bathroom, sweep the floors, bake an angel food cake, make the last batch of salsa, and make iced tea.

On a good note, I have started another knitted block for my knitted blanket.

This block is the basket weave pattern.  I hope the blocks all end up about the same size.  The idea is to make a blanket with all the squares that I make - each one a different pattern (or as many as I can practice).

This cooler, dreary weather, just reminds me that I am very behind on making homemade Christmas presents.  

I guess I better get back to work. 


  1. We are floating around here as well. Looking forward to seeing your christmas presents.

  2. I like your knitting! Hopefully, you all will dry out soon and you can take stock of the garden. Let's not talk about Christmas presents!! LOL!!

  3. I have loved reading your blog the last view times I've visited...we have similar tastes in LIFE, homemaking, child rearing... etc!
    Love your writing style and content.

    I'm your newest follower!

    ...from Texas, so nice to meet you, Pat

  4. I am in Ontario Canada. It has been very cool and overcast but not a lot of rain. Guess we have lucked out. I really like the colour of your knitted basket weave patterns. If you pieces are not all the same size just crochet or knit around a block to make it the same size. Hope you have drier weather soon.


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