Friday, September 9, 2011

Canned Banana Peppers With Jalapeno ~ Stocking Up Update

Remember these?  Well, we popped open a few jars, and hubby does not like to eat these right out of the jar.  These were boil sealed, so the peppers are soft.  I did make fridge pickles for him with these, and those turned out crunchy.

For the boil sealed, canned peppers, I am using them in my baked egg dishes.  They are a wonderful substitute for store canned chili peppers.  They have wonderful flavor and bake up well with these types of dishes.  I will have to can more of these, as we bake a large egg dish often during summer (10 eggs).

Our pantry was blessed with 3 more quarts of salsa.  I pulled on my mucking boots and sunk 6 inches, in order to pick one head of cauliflower also.

I have a spaghetti squash to bake for dinner tonight, and enough tomatoes for it.

We make a greek dish with it, and the kids love it.  We have also used the squash in place of pasta, for a marinara dish.

Recipe:  Spaghetti Squash 1

This recipe also utilizes fresh basil if you have it growing in your garden.


  1. Did it finally quit raining or did you just tough it out?!?

  2. I rained every day since last Monday, and they are calling for showers today and tomorrow yet. I think the weather will clear up after that.


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