Sunday, September 4, 2011

Building a Bridge ~ Using All Recycled Wood

Finally.  I got hubby to help me with building the bridge we needed.  On our property, we have a crick (what the kids call it) that runs off the creek.  It runs thru a corner of the property.  On the other side, are fruit trees that were planted by past owners.  Today, we picked one pear from one of the trees.

We built our bridge with measurements of 12 feet by 4 feet.  In the future we may add sides and flower boxes too.  

For now, it's a basic bridge.  We built it out of free wood that my husband got from a co-worker.  The co-worker, a few years ago, tore down his house deck.  My husband gladly took the wood and we have not put it to use.

I'm working on clearing out the weeds around the bridge, and freeing up the water-way below it.

I'm also looking at a couple of possible locations to build my wall tent or place to rest and relax (with a mosquito net). 

It was nice to have leftover angel food cake after this long day.  Yum!  It's so moist and delicious, and made with our farm fresh eggs. 

I was multi-tasking today also.  I guess it's been pretty normal for that around here lately.  While we were out building the bridge, I had pear butter cooking in the crock pot.  Yum.

I guess the homemade noodles will have to be made tomorrow.  I ran out of time today.


  1. Ah, pear butter! I'm going to make some nectarine butter soon, when they ripen...

  2. Nice bridge, way to go you guys!!
    Your angel food cake looks perfect!


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