Sunday, August 7, 2011

Zucchini Pancakes and Overnight Blueberry French Toast

In the craziness of last summer, and experimenting with recipes, I lost my zucchini pancake recipe.  However, I searched the recipes on my blog and found it.

Here is the link to my blog page: Lots of Zucchini Recipes

Here is the link to the recipe directly:  Vegan Zucchini Pancakes

My family is so spoiled - homemade blueberry jelly, blueberry pie, blueberry syrup, blueberry overnight fresh toast......

Blueberry French Toast before it was put into the oven this morning.

And now, my zucchini pancakes.  Yum.


  1. It's fun to spoil the ones we love with good homemade food! :)

    I think I see zucchini pancakes in my future!

  2. It was kind of like bread pudding when it came straight from the oven. My family said it needed more blueberries in the bottom half, and more topping. It was okay, but maybe too much cream cheese.


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