Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why I Do It

I have been asked more often "why" in regards to living off the land, making household items myself, and canning from the garden.  Basically, people who rely on convenience, feel I am making our life here, way too hard.  However, we don't feel that way.

I can rest easy, knowing that our pancake syrup is all natural, and is not packed with high fructose corn syrup.  I can rest easy that our pickles are home grown and many pints are without sugar.  Growing everything without chemicals, and knowing that we are eating safe and healthy, and on a wonderful budget, is all worth it.

I think it's the hard work that scares people off.  If I worked a full-time job outside my home, I would definitely not be able to eat this healthy, and raise our own meat.  However, by making sacrifices of "conveniences" and spending money on things we really can do ourselves, I can stay home.  

I get funny looks when I tell people that I am a stay-at-home Mom.  Especially, in this day and age where the economy is so bad.  I explain to them that I am continuously finding ways to save us money, keep plastic out of our landfills, and live a life without chemicals (even on our farm animals, pets, and home).

I not saying that vacations are never allowed in our budget, as my husband and I took a recent "disconnect to reconnect" weekend last spring.  I think a getaway is refreshing when it doesn't include stress in the planning and preparing process.   So, yes we do take a few days to reclaim ourselves, but it involves a lot less spending and more relaxation.  And no stress returning home, and wondering if we spent too much.

Today, I am making blueberry syrup, using up about 10 more cups of blueberries.  After that I will bake a pie.  My husband is working another full day today, and will be happy to see a homemade pie when he gets home.  It's the first time for me to bake a blueberry pie.

In between it all, I pulled more cucumbers for another quart of fridge pickles, and pulled a bunch of potatoes.  I think I will make a kohlrabi/potato bake to go along with leftover chicken, and use 3 kohlrabi that I pulled this morning. My oldest daughter just brought in another bucket full of potatoes.  

I think I will use some of the potatoes for tomorrow's breakfast.  My husband makes wonderful omelets with farm fresh eggs, garden green pepper, and onion, a bit of cheese, and some organic bacon.  

As soon as this humidity lifts, I would love to make more homemade bread.

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone Kristina but I think there ARE more people who 'don't get it' than there are people like us! One day, I mentioned to a woman something I was canning and her response was "Oh honey, they don't have that at the store, huh?" Meaning why would I make it when I could just buy it. Oh well! :)


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