Monday, August 1, 2011

Tatting Piece Finished

My finished, piece of tatting, measured out at 3 feet and 9 inches.  I am saving it for a sewing project.  I, however, have started working with a smaller needle.  I was lucky to finish this as quickly as I did.  Our power went out on Saturday for about 3-4 hours.  

With no electricity, I could not can pickles, cook, nor run water.  I believe it's time to invest in a generator, and an outdoor kitchen.  We do have the fire pit as a resource also. Anyway, I simply took that time to do my tatting.

This time, the power outage was due to work being done over 7 miles from our home.  It's the second time this summer.  We typically have power outage in the winter, or frozen pipes.  We did learn, that we can wrap potatoes in foil, and cook them in our wood burner, if we need to.

Sunday around here was not a "rest" day at all.  Our yard trimmers all broke, so the grass around my flower beds badly needed cut away.  We were lucky to borrow one again, and got most of the work done.  We have 3 barns to trim around the garden, and several flower beds.  It's an all day job, and the barns have yet to be trimmed. 

While my son took over the trimming, I harvested more dill seed.  Even though I continue to harvest it, I may not have very much.  It takes 2 tablespoons per pint to make the easy dill pickles.  I may have to plant more dill next year.

Last year, our septic needed emptied, and we had no idea where it was located.  Seriously.  After an entire day of digging, we found it.  Thus, this year, I am replanting the grass over the area that was dug up.  That took most of the afternoon, and we still need more seed.  The younger two helped me with that, and realize how hard their Mom works now.  We used a hand hoe and rake to work up the soil.

But work didn't stop there.  Two of our house cats are battling it out, marking one end of a hallway.  Despite that they are all "fixed" they continue to do it.  I finally broke down and purchased a spray to prevent the "marking" of the wall.  However, they now mark one specific spot on the carpet.  So.....out came the carpet cleaner.  We have plans to rip up the carpet and replace it with something else in the future.  

Someday, I will have time to clean my master bathroom. Hopefully rain is in the forecast, or I won't.  Ha ha ha ha!


  1. I love the picture of your tatting draped over the embroidery sampler! :) Your Sunday sounds kinda like ours!

  2. HI Kristina :) :)

    I found your cute blog via the mention in MaryJane's Club - August 2011 :) :) So cute ;) :) I've never tried tatting. It looks lovely..although I did buy a really delicate handkerchief at a yardsale...with delicate green tatting all around the edges. it's just lovely...

    I look forwrd to reading more of your blog posts ;) :) Have a great week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)


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