Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Straight from the Garden

I spent the entire day in the kitchen yesterday.  I just kept going through the garden goodies, until I was down to zucchini.  

I took the few carrots I pulled, and one of the green peppers, and made our favorite Confetti Corn Muffins.  I used cornmeal from our trip to the Mill last week.  If you click on the highlighted recipe name a few lines up, it will take you directly to the recipe.

These muffins have so much flavor when they are made with freshly picked garden vegetables. 

My baking didn't stop there either.

In between flash freezing green peppers, I mixed up a batch of Zucchini-Banana Squares (we call them brownies).  We make this every summer with freshly grated zucchini.  Again, if you click on the recipe name a few lines up, you will be taken to the recipe directly, where you can print it.  It is from Heart Healthy Living.  We love these.  We don't frost them to keep it healthy, and they are gobbled up in one day.  We have also baked these for guests that have stopped in, and gotten good comments about them.

And, yet there was more to bake.

I used one kohlrabi, one onion, one green pepper, one small zucchini, a few cloves of garlic (the only item not from my garden, but hopefully will be growing next year), and one handful of orange, cherry size tomatoes.  They made a delicious kohlrabi frittata, very similar to a potato frittata.

I ended up cooking the small handful of broccoli and cauliflower for a side dish to our garden dinner.

So far, we have saved seeds from dill, cucumber, peas, and green pepper, for next year's garden.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea with the corn muffins! Everything looks really good!


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