Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Garden Explosion!

I came inside today, with a lot of garden goodies.  I am still freezing my green peppers - over 30 of them today.  We planted them purposely to freeze, and use in canning our salsa, but our tomatoes are not ripe yet.  I could really use a dehydrator, so that is going on the "wish list."  

Last year I experimented with freezing in pint and 1/2 pint canning jars.  This year I already have 6 1/2 pints of green pepper and have run out of jars.  This, however, saves us on buying plastic bags, and putting plastic in our garbage can.

I made 2 more quarts of Refrigerator Pickles (having saved the liquid from the last two quarts of pickles).  I also made 2 quarts of pickled banana peppers (with cayenne).  The banana peppers are a complete experiment, not having found a recipe for them.  

I still have enough cucumbers for one more quart of fridge pickles, several zucchini to shred and freeze for bread, brownies and other meals.  I brought in a few more kohlrabi, which will bless our dinner tonight.

I pulled 4 more onions, and hope to use them for dinner and for breakfast.  

Everything that was to ripe to eat, treated the chickens again. 

This is what happens when I spend the entire day at the dentist.  Golly, I don't want to even get started with that either.  I took 2 girls for "cleanings" and came home with them only getting x-rays and looked at.  I am told they both need, not one more, but 2 more visits to get their teeth cleaned.  I can only see that they are abusing our insurance plan, and trying to get the most money out of it/us.  Our trips to the dentist require about 50 minutes round trip travel time, not including the wait time we have. What happened to the one visit cleanings?  

Update:  I am only half way through freezing my green peppers.

I decided to make Zucchini Banana Muffins, and Confetti Corn Muffins (to use green pepper and garden carrots I picked today).

That leaves me with a handful of cauliflower.  Hmm?  I think we can simply steam it, and eat an all veggie dinner tonight.  Along with another kohlrabi frittata.

The very last handful of green beans was not enough to freeze or eat for a family meal.  I decided to treat the hens with them.  Why not?  They are working so hard at providing fresh produce for us, they deserve a treat here and there.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like the dentist's office is taking advantage too!

    What a great garden you must have! How gratifying to be able to put so much up for the winter!


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