Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School

It was a happy/sad day today.  The kids were up very early and pretty excited about going back to school.  Me on the other hand, was a bit down.  

I did have a lot to keep me busy.  If fact, my first canned tomato sauce is still reducing.  In between cutting up all those roma tomatoes and onions, I pulled 2 watermelons from the garden and cut them up.  I also pulled about 5 more zucchini.  I think I will put the relish canning and tomato freezing jobs off until tomorrow.  Five loads of laundry wore me out, on top of all the other work around here.  

I never got my "porch time" as my Dad surprised us with a visit.  The kids were very excited and can't wait to show him the goats.


  1. I like the picture of the school bus through the window!

  2. Glad you had a productive day with the bounty from the garden! :)

    We home-educate, so I am fortunate to not have to watch the bus drive away...the picture you posted almost makes me cry!

    I hope you are enjoying your week!

  3. Our students came back to school today. They were so excited seeing all their friends, jabber, jabber :) Nothing beats seeing their pals after the summer away..


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