Monday, August 15, 2011

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

From the Garden Journal . . .
     blanched and froze 2 quart bags of tomatoes, diced and froze 2 very full bags of green peppers, shredded and froze 22 cups of zucchini.  The wet and cooler weather is killing many of our zucchini plants and rotting some melons.  We cut our first cantaloupe last night and it was delicious.

From the Exercise Journal . . .
    walked 2 miles, 30 minutes on the speed bag, taking a bike ride later tonight.

From the Homesteading Journal . . . 
     located a 1 year old Lamancha female for sale and may go look at her this coming weekend, cut down tree branches that were hanging too far over the driveway and gave them to the goats, working on more barn repairs, researching raising beef, researching raising an alpacas for spinning their fiber, and researching canning meats.

From the Crafting Journal . . .
   still working away on my 12 year-old's crocheted blanket, starting my 9 year-old's 4th embroidered flour sack towel, and started another crocheted hand towel for my on-line store.

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