Monday, July 11, 2011

Organizing and Getting Projects Finished

I am working my way through my craft supplies, and finally started a set of flour sack towels for my 9 year-old's hope chest.  I just found out that my 12 year-old wants the same ones, but with black and gray cats.   These particular ones, will have orange cats, to match her own cat, Tiger.

Tiger, as a baby.

I also crocheted a bath rug, from 3 skeins of thick macrame yarn.  I purchased them at a Goodwill many years ago,and had not done anything with them.  
This was a bit of a challenge.  This type of yarn frays and I had to knot each end, and then weave the ends in.  Either way, I made a useful bath rug, and used supplies I already had. 

More projects to finish yet.  I also taught my 9 year-old to sew a button on, and to hand sew.  Now, all she talks about, is when we are going to rent the cabin again, and sit in our "rockers and sew." Ha ha ha!  She is such a "mini-me" through and through.  Now she wants to learn to do embroidery.


  1. Cute picture of Tiger! I am glad your daughters appreciate all you do!

  2. So awesome you get that special time with your kids! I sure do miss those times. i LOVED teaching my daughter how to sew---she used to make all her own dresses! Now, sad to say, college life has little room for such things however I am hopeful she will teach her kids should she be blessed with them! A hope chest is also awesome! I have only one daughter and she has hers...a trunk from the 1870's mu hubby found in the trash---imagine :0)??? Well, hope you can find more days to sit and rock and sew!!!


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