Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Enjoying Tatting

I took my tatting to the dentist appointment this morning.  It's now about a foot long.   It was fun to use my sitting time practicing it.  There was one gentlemen there, taking numerous looks at what my hands were doing.  Maybe I will inspire someone to tat, or once I'm much better at it, offer lessons at our historical center. 

It is so fun!  I can't wait to learn more.  I checked my handy dandy bookshelf, and found I had a book on Tatting.  I must have purchased it at a book sale, as it is a discarded library book from another city.  It was written in 1979 by a woman in Iowa.  Most of the photos inside the book are in black and white, but have instructions as well.  

I also have the tatting needle instructions from Mary Jane's Stitching Room book.  As soon as I finish this chain (3 feet), I will move on to learning more.

As I sit and type this update, my two older daughters are outside, teaching our younger goat tricks - hilarious to watch.  She sure does love those goat treats.   She is doing circles on the top of a stump.  I am sure there will be some updates on my 14 year-old daughter's blog soon.

The weather is a teensy bit cooler and I have not yet checked the garden.  I am sure there is a few zucchini's out there.  Speaking of zucchini, my girls had a "Pamper Party" last night.  They made a facial mask with my last zucchini, and they pampered themselves.  If my duaghter does not blog the recipe herself (the one mentioned above), I will try to get it posted.  Tonight, it's my turn to have a zucchini facial. 

Garden update:  I visited my garden and UGH.  Weeds, weeds and weeds.  Next year we are doing more newspaper or plastic.  Each year it gets bigger too.  In 2 1/2 hours, and with the help of my 14 year-old daughter, we can now see our onions, some green beans, the peas drying on the string fence we made, and I can now see my broccoli (even brought some in tonight).  We have not made a "dent" in the garden weeds.  Tomorrow, and possibly the next 3-4 days, I will be in the garden.  However, I do see more cucmbers that need picked tomorrow.  

More cucumbers mean more canning, and I have 3-day pickles soaking for canning tomorrow.  I'm not sure how to fit this all in, but somehow we will.

Now.....if I could just get time to get a fence around my strawberries.  My barred rocks are having a hay-day in my strawberry patch.  Grrr! 

I'm looking forward to a zucchini facial. 

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