Friday, June 10, 2011

Milkweed Quiche

I located a recipe that I can use my foraged milkweed in.  I found it on a blog devoted to foraged food.  The recipe is Crustless Milkweed Flower Quiche.  I don't have any milkweed with flowers, so this recipe will have to wait.  However, I can't wait to try it.


  1. I hope you like our recipe, we are also working on some new ones for this year using the unopened flower buds, like a creamo-of-flower-bud-soup, pickled milkweed "capers", and a noodle stir-fry. Would you have any more ideas? We are also raising a monarch caterpillar we accidentally gathered, our daughter is fascinated! Karen

  2. My family thinks I'm nuts, but I am still going to make this recipe, and many more you post. Last year we walked around our 6 acres and found wild black raspberries. I made jam and other items with them. Once our milkweed is in bloom, I will post a picture to make sure it's what I'm to be cooking with.


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