Wednesday, June 22, 2011

100 Things to Do ~ Summer List ~ Star Gazing and More

Blogger is experiencing problems, so I am not able to load any photos right now (and this is happening to many other people right now too).

We decided to blow the dust off of our telescope, drop in a brand new battery, and read over the manual again.  It's a bit cloudy today, so we may not get to star gaze tonight, but hopefully soon.

Star gazing is on my "100 things to do this summer" list.  We've participated in many star gazing nights, and have visited many planetariums in our lifetime.  I've checked out a field guide, from the library, relating to the stars also.

It's crochet mania day here also.  I've had 2 blankets (one is a throw), on my "to-do" list for a few weeks.  I can easily get sucked into new projects, and forget the ones I started. 

Added about 4 inches to blanket #1

Added 4 rows to blanket #2 (much larger)

I have also crocheted wagon wheel coasters for July 4th, in red, white and blue.  Look for photos soon, at my on-line store:  Pioneer Patchwork Homespun

When blogger gets the "bugs" out of their system, I will try to load photos of the two blankets, our star gazing night, and more. 

Update:  as you can see, I am now able to load the photos. :) Yea!


  1. Just wondering what the other 98 things to do are. . .

  2. My list is not yet complete, but to forage and cook is one, to finish a scarf is another, and finish two more blankets. I may post them as I complete them also. The kids have a list of their own too.


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