Friday, June 3, 2011

Excerpts from a Journal Junkie

From the garden journal . . .

Weeded out the tomatoes, replanted 2 rows of corn, planted basil and cumin, started weeding around the strawberry plants, and tilled up most of the garden.  Marigolds reseeded themselves in one large pot – yea for that.  Sunflowers are peeking over the top of the water trough now.  Started foraging the farm for anything wild and edible.  Planted swiss chard seeds.

Dried 6 bunches of thyme.

From the homesteading journal . . .

Orion got loose again – twice.  Found him ramming his head into the utility pole with electrical boxes – not good.

Bugs are starting to come inside, due to all the rain.  A wolf spider tried to take a shower with me yesterday – not cool!

Named our scarecrow and the dogs still bark at her.

Started to experiment with homemade bread recipes and ran out of flour.  I need to make a trip to the Mill very soon.

Added a hand crank ice cream maker to the “wish list.”

Barred rocks and Lola are learning to come out when called to free range.  They still don't mingle with the hens yet.
From the gratitude journal . . .

I am thankful for:
~this wonderful cool weather
~lettuce from the garden
~books to help us with our homesteading
~our very small grill to cook out on
~for my kid’s jobs
~for my front porch
~the early butterflies we have already
~God’s mercy

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