Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 3 of Bread Making

I did it!  I used a recipe from Oklahoma Pastry Cloth, and the dough was perfect.

Other than an annoying air bubble in the center, and that it should have baked a few more minutes, it was the best bread yet.  I can't wait to have a pastry cloth to make this baking easier and less messy. 


  1. Yea Kristina! That is one good looking loaf of bread!

  2. What a delicious looking loaf of bread! I love to bake bread.

    I had my mom over this afternoon and made two pizzas. The dough was a dream to work with. :)

  3. There are so many more recipes to try also. I made this one with white flour, because I am all out of whole wheat. The family is getting very spoiled, ha ha!

  4. Your bread is very pretty!!! Looks good! :)

  5. Your bread is very pretty!! Looks good! :)


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