Sunday, June 26, 2011

Biscuits and Herbs ~ And Another Project

If you enjoyed our family's favorite biscuit recipe, you may try adding chopped fresh herbs to the dough next time.  We love adding chopped rosemary for a fun flavor.  There are so many ways you can flavor them.

We have not yet used our telescope for our star gazing.  The clouds have taken over.  Tonight might be a good night.

And as if I have all the time in the world, I have started another project.  I may have to learn how to make a comfrey salve yet.  

My knuckles are pretty sore from crocheting, knitting, and holding books.  As soon as my allergies give me a break, I will be back to the garden for picking peas, lettuce and weeding the flower beds.

I purchased 5 heirloom Painted Lady Runner beans, and all five have come up.  They will have blossoms on them, and that is why they are planted in the flower/herb beds. 

And the Bee Balm I planted a few years ago, is finally going to have flowers this year.

Although I didn't take a photo, I have 2 of the heirloom redbud trees doing very nicely.  The first ones were flooded out by the rains we had.  However, a few more seeds have started to sprout.  They are still small, so it will be a few years yet, but we have never planted trees from seeds before. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I have never planted trees from seeds before either, keep us posted on how they do. Hope your allergies get better soon!


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