Friday, May 6, 2011

Lessons Worth Teaching

I our quest to be self-sufficient, we woke up to 2 flat tires yesterday.  It was a good time to teach our 17 year-old daughter how to change a flat tire.  Today’s driver’s education courses do not teach this anymore. Next on the list is to teach her to change to the oil.

When driver’s education courses were taught in public schools, the course director took the class outside to change an actual tire.  Today, schools do not teach this, and parents often forget what teenage kids should learn.

It’s been difficult to stay off my foot, and complete chores.  I spent a few hours taking photos from the front porch.  This, so far, has been the best photo of any bird.  My goal is to get a clear shot of a cardinal, a deer, and a hawk (just not taking off with one of my chickens). 

In my quest to make a good batch of dandelion jelly, I took the advice of one of my followers.  I simply reboiled it, added more pectin, and our syrup is now 3 pints of jelly.


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